Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree....

That is what Dr. Frank (Levi's pediatrician) said Monday at Levi's appointment. Thanks to Matt and my family history Levi has asthma (well pre-asthma he can't be diagnosed until his first birthday). It started with a running nose that I thought was no big deal (which still isn't) then a cough started and got worse. I thought maybe croup but he wasn't running a fever or anything.

Levi had a breathing treatment at the doctors office and did well. Dr. Frank sent us home with our very own nebulizer and three prescriptions. Levi has his breathing treatment 3 times a day. They take about 20 minutes. The hardest part is getting him to sit still during the treatment. It is a fight the whole time but once he realizes he isn't going to win he sits nicely for about 5 minutes and then the fight starts again.

So, right now we are hoping for the first big freeze/frost so the junk in the air will lay low. My hope is that this isn't something we have to do everyday. Just when the wheezing, coughing and horseness is flared up.

On a different note:

Levi is crawling and is in to everything and he is trying his hardest to pull up on everything. He now thinks his bed is a jungle Jim.

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